**Setting up IOIO for the demo board**

Use this guide to get started with the dev environment


My github of this is here


Make sure C30 is installed too..

In MPLab X Load the projects Like so

change your programmer here.

the change board.h as shown

#define led_init()       { _ODB7 = 1; _LATB7 = 1; _TRISB7 = 0; }
#define led_read()       _RB7
#define led              _LATB7
#define led_on()         led  = 0;
#define led_off()        led  = 1;
#define led_toggle()     led  = !led;

#define pin1_pullup   _CN24PUE
#define pin1_read()   _RB6

Change platform.h like so

#define led_init() do { _ODG7 = 1; _LATG7 = 1; _TRISG7 = 0; } while (0)
#define led_on()   do { _LATG7 = 0; } while (0)
#define led_off()  do { _LATG7 = 1; } while (0)

Build and Flash DeviceBootloader ground RP3 and power up, then remove short from RP3 and add LED instead. It'll work the same as the instructions for the IOIO now, using ioiodude.